The 2011 Lowy Institute Poll
This article is more than 13 years old

The 2011 Lowy Institute Poll

The seventh annual Lowy Poll surveys the Australian public on new questions covering attitudes towards the US alliance and the war in Afghanistan, opinions on basing US forces in Australia, WikiLeaks, foreign aid, and the intervention in Libya.

The nationally representative poll also repeated questions asked in previous years, revealing trends in public opinion on topics such as climate change, asylum seekers, and attitudes towards Indonesia, the United States and China.

Key Findings
  • The foreign policy goal of tackling climate change is considered very important by only 46% of Australians...down 29 points from 2007
  • 55% of Australians are in favour of allowing the US to base military forces in Australia.
  • 75% of Australians say the Federal government has done a poor job addressing climate change
  • Attitudes towards Australia’s most important neighbour Indonesia remain mired in distrust and suspicion

For the full PDF version of the poll, click here.

Areas of expertise: Ediplomacy/digital diplomacy; opinion polling; Australia-Indonesia relations; Chinese aid in the Pacific