Get your tickets: Event with Chris Uhlmann, Steve Lewis & Julie Bishop

Get your tickets: Event with Chris Uhlmann, Steve Lewis & Julie Bishop
Published 23 Aug 2012   Follow @StephieDunstan

Next Friday 31 August at 10.45am join veteran political journalists Chris Uhlmann (from ABC\'s flagship current affairs program, 7.30) and Steve Lewis (News Ltd) in a very special event at the Lowy Institute, a literary roasting by the Hon Julie Bishop MP, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Earlier this month Chris and Steve launched their novel The Marmalade Files, which has been described as a \'banquet of bastardry\', \'an imaginative romp through the dark underbelly of politics\' and \'a ripping yarn...that confronts issues to do with power and leadership, our relations with China and the United States, and the changing face of the media and political reporting.\'

As this video attests, The Marmalade Files certainly has all of Canberra talking! We have no doubt Julie Bishop is going to relish the opportunity to turn the tables on Chris and Steve, with her playing the journalist and they the politicians. Get your tickets here.

