Interview: The future of intelligence

Interview: The future of intelligence
Published 29 Aug 2012   Follow @StephieDunstan

We were lucky to have Dr Jennifer Sims, Visiting Professor at Georgetown University\'s Center for Security Studies, in Canberra last month to engage with the Lowy Institute and policy community guests as part of the Lowy Institute\'s UNISYS National Security Event Series.

Dr Sims, regarded as one of world\'s leading experts on intelligence, having previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence Coordination for the US State Department, led a fascinating discussion about the changing nature of intelligence and the challenges facing intelligence services.

We recorded a  long video discussion (below) with Jennifer which we have broken up into three parts. In this first video (5 mins), Dr Sims looks at the information revolution – how the rise of the internet has fundamentally altered intelligence-gathering techniques, bringing challenges and opportunities in a globalised security environment.

