Julie Bishop turns the tables

Julie Bishop turns the tables
Published 7 Sep 2012   Follow @StephieDunstan

Last week we put on a slightly unusual event, inviting Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop to put veteran journalists Steve Lewis and Chris Uhlmann in the hot seat over their novel \'The Marmalade Files\'.

Watching Steve and Chris squirm under pressure was highly entertaining! If you missed it, watch this short video vignette (thanks to The Australian). As Chris Uhlmann tweeted after the event, \'Julie has a career as a journalist waiting\'.


The good news for all the bookworms out there is that we are planning more events at the Lowy Institute with authors writing creatively on foreign policy issues. The next, on 19 September, will be with novelist Andrew Croome, whose new novel Midnight Empire examines the nature of drone warfare (and poker).

Croome will be on a panel with the ABC\'s Mark Corcoran, who produced this week\'s excellent Foreign Correspondent piece, Rise of the Machines, examining the increased use of private drones. The Lowy Institute\'s own Sam Roggeveen will be on the panel too.

The event is on Wednesday 19 September from 10.45am to 12 noon. Get your tickets here: \'The Drones are coming: Border protection, privacy, war and morality in the remote-control age\'.
