Monday linkage: Zakaria, Denmark, Baltimore drugs, Syria and more

Monday linkage: Zakaria, Denmark, Baltimore drugs, Syria and more
Published 27 Aug 2012   Follow @SamRoggeveen

  • Powerful piece from Dan Drezner on Fareed Zakaria and the celebritisation of the American academy.
  • Denmark\'s central bank goes there: negative interest rates.
  • ANU\'s Crawford School has launched a new journal, Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies, and is calling for papers.
  • An interview with former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski on America, the world and everything.
  • Long LRB piece about the English Premier League is a study in attitudes to capitalism: \'The German game, sponsored by corporations but owned and watched by working-class supporters, is run with precisely the coherence that the English FA was seeking when it first deregulated the game.\'
  • Syrian TV host defects: \'I often sat crying in my car. The thought of having to read Bashar\'s messages every day almost broke my heart\'.
  • Al Jazeera reports on a side of American life we\'re familiar with from \'The Wire\' (h/t Friedersdorf):
