Reader Riposte: Are the Nordics losing their grip?

Reader Riposte: Are the Nordics losing their grip?
Published 22 Oct 2012 

Paul Cotton writes:

It hasn't been mentioned amid all the euphoria over Australia's success in the Security Council vote, but things seem to have the habit of coming around again.

New Zealand tried for the Council in the late '80s and was beaten by Malta. Shame all round.

Then in 1992 New Zealand stood again and defeated Sweden for a place on the Council in 1993-1994.

Now Finland has been defeated by Australia. Are the Nordics losing their grip?

New Zealand is standing next in 2014 to take Australia's place in 2015-2016. That's going to be another hard one. Not long after that Fiji has its hat in the ring for a non-permanent seat. Pacific states may not have their own group but we are holding our own.
