Wednesday linkage: presidents, subs, Philippines, Huawei, nukes

Wednesday linkage: presidents, subs, Philippines, Huawei, nukes
Published 17 Oct 2012   Follow @AlexKOliver

  • An infographic from neatly compares the cost of educating the contenders in the US presidential contest
  • Australia is better off buying US submarines rather than developing our own, according to provocative Kokoda Foundation chair and defence analyst Ross Babbage. (Thanks Danielle)
  • Rare good news from the Southern Philippines: the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has signed a deal with President Benigno Aquino's government, reports International Crisis Group's Bryony Lau. For an inside view of the peace negotiations see Steven Rood's recent blog post. (Thanks Dave)
  • Is Huawei a threat to the US? No, writes Trevor Timm in Foreign Policy, disagreeing with the US House Intelligence Committee: '[The report] – at least the unclassified version – is full of sound and fury, [but] is almost devoid of anything conclusively connecting Huawei and ZTE with the charges levied against them.' And see what US 60 Minutes has to say about it. (Thanks Linda)
  • Before his only public address (at the Lowy Institute) while visiting Australia earlier this month, International Atomic Energy Agency Executive Director Yukiya Amano talked with Lowy Deputy Director Martine Letts about the Iranian nuclear threat and the post-Fukushima nuclear environment.

