White Paper launch linkage

White Paper launch linkage
Published 2 Nov 2012   Follow @StephieDunstan


Last Sunday's launch of the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper was (we think) the biggest event the Lowy Institute has hosted in its almost ten-year history. 31 Bligh St was positively bursting at the seams as we hosted the Prime Minister, her senior cabinet ministers (Wayne Swan, Bob Carr, Craig Emerson, Peter Garrett), former PM Bob Hawke, members of the diplomatic community, our Chairman Frank Lowy AC,  board and corporate members, and a 70-strong media pack.


  • We live tweeted from the event with the hashtag #AsianCentury. This was quickly picked up by the twitter community, even trending for a short while. Hashtracking.com tells us that #AsianCentury generated 1030 tweets, reaching an audience of 770,631 in the first 24 hours following the launch. There are reports of many references to the White Paper on China's leading social media service Weibo.
  • If you would like to catch up on the event, our website has full event video (see above), a transcript of the PM's speech, introductory remarks by Michael Fullilove as well as a transcript from the Q&A session. Our photographer, Peter Morris, has a nice photo album of the day
  • After the launch, Michael Fullilove caught up with the PM for a quick video discussion on how the Asian Century will affect Australia's foreign-policy choices. The PM reflects on how her recent trips to Asia (2.00 min) has informed her thinking, the White Paper recommendation to expand Australia's diplomatic network (3.40 min) and how Australia's membership in the G20 and UN Security Council supports our efforts in Asia (4.52 min).
  • The Interpreter is now hosting a lively discussion on the White Paper, collating views from both Lowy Institute Fellows and Asia experts. We encourage diverse views on the White Paper, so please pitch your blog post to Sam: blogeditor@lowyinstitute.org.