America’s role in the world: in conversation with Jessica Tuchman Mathews
Lowy Lecture Series

America’s role in the world: in conversation with Jessica Tuchman Mathews

Thu, 28 June 2018

Join the Lowy Institute's Executive Director, Dr Michael Fullilove, for an in-conversation with Jessica Tuchman Mathews, former president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about the international role of the United States in the era of President Trump.

Ms Mathews was president of the Carnegie Endowment for 18 years, and has also worked in the executive and legislative branches of government, in the non-profit arena, in the media, and science policymaking. She is a former director of the Office of Global Issues at the National Security Council, and has covered arms control, energy, environment, science, and technology issues as a member of the Washington Post’s editorial board.
