AMP China Series: One Belt and One Road, China’s new Marshall Plan to remake Eurasia
Lowy Lecture Series

AMP China Series: One Belt and One Road, China’s new Marshall Plan to remake Eurasia

Mon, 30 May 2016

In 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping put forward the proposal to boost Eurasian economic integration and infrastructure building through its ambitious “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” initiatives.  It is widely regarded as President Xi’s signature economic as well as foreign policy undertaking. The project could involve trillions of dollars of potential investment across many continents including Australia’s immediate neighbouring region: Southeast Asia.

The Lowy Institute’s Peter Cai will speak to one of Australia’s leading experts on Chinese infrastructure investment, Grant Dooley, the head of Hastings Infrastructure Fund Asia’s practice and the former Australian Consul-General in Guangzhou, China.  

The Lowy Institute is grateful for the support of our event partner, AMP.

