ANU Indonesia Update, Sydney edition

ANU Indonesia Update, Sydney edition

Mon, 09 September 2019

Indonesian President Joko Widodo was decisively re-elected in April but his second, and final, term in office looks set to be anything but plain sailing. The election revealed deep divides in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, with politics polarised along religious lines. The economy remains sluggish despite promises of structural reforms that will unlock rapid growth. And Indonesia’s democratic system, long seen as a beacon of progress, is facing intensifying challenges, from crackdowns on free speech to a deterioration in the protection of minority rights. 

Please join us at a Sydney edition of the ANU Indonesia Update to discuss the state of democracy in Indonesia and the challenges ahead in Jokowi’s second term. The event will include a political update presented by Edward Aspinall, an update on the economy by Paul Burke, and panel discussions featuring Burhanuddin Muhtadi, Nava Nuraniyah, Martin Daniel Siyaranamual, Eve Warburton and Ben Bland.
