'ANZUS beyond 60: a different alliance in a different Asia' Lowy Lecture Series - Professor Hugh White presentation

'ANZUS beyond 60: a different alliance in a different Asia' Lowy Lecture Series - Professor Hugh White presentation

Wed, 21 September 2011

For many people, questions about the future of ANZUS hardly arise. They believe that after 60 years, the alliance endures as the inevitable and unchangeable foundation of Australia's international posture. But the strength of any alliance depends ultimately on shared interests. As power shifts in Asia, Australia's and America's interests are shifting too, and quite possibly diverging. Those who want the alliance to stay strong in the Asian Century must consider what this means for the two partners, and how they can best keep their interests aligned and their alliance strong. To flourish in a very different Asia, ANZUS will need to become a very different alliance. At the Lowy Lecture on 21 September 2011, Professor Hugh White discussed these issues.


Areas of expertise: Australian strategic and defence policy; Asia Pacific security; global security