Beyond access: Making Indonesia’s education system work

Beyond access: Making Indonesia’s education system work

Tue, 21 November 2017

In the last two decades Indonesia has made great strides in improving access to education, as children begin school earlier and remain there longer than ever before. At the same time, however, quality and learning outcomes have been largely unchanged. A new Lowy Institute Analysis by the University of Melbourne’s Andrew Rosser explores how Indonesia’s underlying political and social relationships have contributed to this conundrum of access over quality.

Please join us for a discussion of the paper and its themes with Andrew Rosser and other leading experts on policy and politics in Indonesia. In light of Australia's development assistance to, and commercial links with, its near neighbour, we will ask how these lessons might shape Australia’s engagement with Indonesia.


The Lowy Institute acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet for this event.
