Brexit’s bewildering endgame (Sydney)
Lowy Lecture Series

Brexit’s bewildering endgame (Sydney)

Wed, 14 November 2018

The decision by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union is more than two years old. What will happen on Brexit day on 29 March next year? What kind of deal, if any, will Britain negotiate? What will be the impact on the infighting in British politics and within Prime Minister Theresa May’s government?
As the country nears the date set for the conclusion of negotiations with Brussels, join a panel of experts at the Lowy Institute to discuss the outcomes of either a ‘deal’ or ‘no deal’ scenario, the outlook for the United Kingdom after Brexit, and the consequences for Australia and its ties with both London and Brussels.

Sydney's panel will comprise Dr Annmarie Elijah, Associate Director, ANU Centre for European Studies; Ticky Fullerton, business journalist and anchor of the TICKY program on "Your Money", and Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Lowy Institute Asian Power and Diplomacy Program, together with moderator Alex Oliver, Lowy Institute Director of Research.
