China-Japan Relations in Gridlock: Roundtable at CSIS

China-Japan Relations in Gridlock: Roundtable at CSIS

Tue, 22 October 2013
Washington, D.C.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. held a closed-door roundtable event on China-Japan relations featuring Linda Jakobson, East Asia Program Director at the Lowy Institute, on Tuesday 22 October. Senior Adviser for Asia at CSIS, Ms. Bonnie S. Glaser, hosted the event. Relations between Japan and China remain in gridlock more than a year after the Japanese central government purchased three of the five Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.  Linda Jakobson discussed the political and security dynamics at work in the territorial dispute and presented options for defusing the crisis. A synopsis of the event is available on the CSIS website.

The Lowy Institute's East Asia Program recently hosted international workshops in BeijingSeoul and Tokyo, which focused on Northeast Asia politics and security challenges. In June, Ms. Jakobson hosted an international workshop on the East China Sea at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, at which Ms Glaser was one of four paper presenters. Her (forthcoming) paper is entitled 'U.S. Policy Considerations in the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Crisis'. Listen to Ms. Jakobson's and Ms. Glaser's conversation about the East China Sea here


Areas of expertise: China’s foreign and security policy; Chinese politics; Northeast Asia security issues; Taiwan Strait
Areas of expertise: International security; defence and security; Chinese defence policy