'A confident and growing Indonesia: new opportunities for Australia' Lowy Lecture Series - Josh Frydenberg presentation

'A confident and growing Indonesia: new opportunities for Australia' Lowy Lecture Series - Josh Frydenberg presentation

Wed, 26 October 2011

Indonesia's strong economic growth and emerging leadership in the region are creating new opportunities for Australia to deepen its political, economic and strategic ties with our close and important neighbour. With an economy expected to double in size over the next fifteen years, Indonesia is now a member of the G-20, and chair of ASEAN. While there are occasional challenges in the bilateral relationship, both Australia and Indonesia stand to gain greatly from working together.

Josh Frydenberg, elected as Federal Member for Kooyong in 2010, spoke in the Lowy Lecture Series on 26 October 2011 on Indonesia's increasing presence in the region and the opportunities that presents for Australia.

