Connecting Papua New Guinea and Australia through the arts

Connecting Papua New Guinea and Australia through the arts

Thu, 14 June 2018

The arts have unique potential to connect people and inspire new interest in a place and its traditions. There are thousands of years of indigenous history and culture in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

Join us for a reception with participants from the Connecting Papua New Guinea and Australia through the Arts workshopThe audio-visual project a Bit na Ta, developed by the Wantok Musik Foundation for the No. 1 Neighbour: Art in Papua New Guinea 1966-2016 exhibition with the support of DFAT, will be screened at the reception. It is a project located in ples (place): Rabaul, East New Britain, PNG, that engages with the enormous changes over the century 1875-1975 from the perspective of the Tolai peoples who inhabit the surrounding lands.  A Bit na Ta features songs by leading Australian and Papua New Guinean musicians that transpose 100 years of Tolai history into contemporary beats.

This event is held under the auspices of the Aus-PNG Network, which works to enhance the people-to-people links between Australia and Papua New Guinea.
