Distinguished Speaker Series: H.E. Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic of Chile - The Pacific Alliance and Chile

Distinguished Speaker Series: H.E. Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic of Chile - The Pacific Alliance and Chile

Mon, 10 September 2012
The president’s address is entitled “The Pacific Alliance and Chile, a view towards the Asia-Pacific through a 21st century perspective”. President Piñera will be leading a large delegation of senior representatives from the world of politics and business, including several Ministers, members of parliament and senior business figures. Sebastian Piñera Echenique was sworn in as the 47th President of the Republic of Chile on 11 March 2010, following a highly successful and distinguished career as an academic, entrepreneur and businessman, public servant and politician. He served as a Senator from 1990-1998 and then as President of the Renovacion Nacional (National Renewal) party from 2001-2004 before becoming the party’s presidential candidate at the December 2005 presidential elections. Five years later he was elected President, heading a coalition of parties, the Coalicion por el Cambio (Coalition for Change) on 17 January 2010. He graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile as a Commercial Engineer with a minor in Economics and also received a Masters and Doctorate in Economics from Harvard University in the United States. He is married to Cecilia Morel Montes and has four children and six grandchildren.