Distinguished Speaker Series: The Hon Peter O’Neill, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Distinguished Speaker Series: The Hon Peter O’Neill, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Thu, 29 November 2012
The Prime Minister’s address is entitled ‘Papua New Guinea in the Asian Century’. One of the fastest-growing economies in the world, Papua New Guinea has been successful in attracting increasingly strong trade and investment links from rising Asian powers, including China. Peter O’Neill, CMG, MP, was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea following the July 2012 national elections in Papua New Guinea. He is the leader of the People’s National Congress Party and represents the constituency of Ialibu-Pangia in Southern Highlands. Peter O’Neill was elected to the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea in 2002 and was appointed Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations in the Somare government. He was Leader of the Opposition from 2004 to 2007 and after the 2007 elections held the portfolios of Public Service, Treasury and Finance and Works under Prime Minister Michael Somare. Peter O’Neill was first sworn in as Prime Minister in August 2011 after a parliamentary vote and held the position until the elections. He has a degree in Accountancy and was a businessman before entering politics and served as Executive Chairman of a number of private companies in Port Moresby.