Environmental peacemaking in the Middle East
Lowy Lecture Series

Environmental peacemaking in the Middle East

Thu, 21 March 2019

The implications for national security are often overlooked in discussions on climate change. In the Middle East, however, regional cooperation is vital when responding to the declining availability of water and periods of prolonged drought. How do you foster cooperation in a troubled region?

Gidon Bromberg is co-founder of EcoPeace Middle East, an organisation which brings together Jordanians, Palestinians, and Israelis to advance sustainable and peaceful regional development, including in an ambitious project for the Jordan Valley. Mr Bromberg has written extensively on the relationship between water, peace, and security in the Middle East, and has presented to United Nations forums, the US Congress, and the European Parliament.

Please join Dr Rodger Shanahan, Lowy Institute Research Fellow, for a conversation with Gidon Bromberg about security, cooperation, and the preservation of scarce natural resources in the Middle East.
