Event: Can we learn too much from history?
Lowy Lecture Series

Event: Can we learn too much from history?

Wed, 27 July 2016
In this thought-provoking lecture, Sir Lawrence Freedman, Vice-Principal and Professor of War Studies at King's College, will explore the role of historical analogies in foreign policymaking. He will also examine the importance of understanding the origins of contemporary events and the meaning of historical experience warning of the abuse of historical parallels and analogies, and the danger of stripping past events from their context.
A member of the official inquiry into the United Kingdom's role in the 2003 Iraq War, Sir Lawrence is a world-renowned strategist. He has also held research appointments at Nuffield College Oxford, the International Institute for Strategic Studies and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. A Fellow of the British Academy, Sir Lawrence is a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) and Knight Commander of St Michael and St George (KCMG).
Join Dr Euan Graham, Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program, and Sir Lawrence Freedman for this important Lowy Institute event.