Event Cancelled - Members and Supporters Event: Dr Jonathan Fine
Lowy Lecture Series

Event Cancelled - Members and Supporters Event: Dr Jonathan Fine

Mon, 10 August 2015

The Lowy Institute regrets to inform that today’s event has been cancelled. We apologise for the late notice and regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Contrasting secular and religious agenda terrorism: From Che Guevara to Osama Bin Laden

Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the world has witnessed an increasing growth of religiously motivated violence. Why is that? This lecture will try to explain what role religion plays in contemporary terrorism.

Dr. Jonathan Fine is senior researcher at the International Institute for Counter – Terrorism (ICT) and an assistant Professor at the Lauder school of Government, Diplomacy , and Strategy at the IDC (Interdisciplinary Center) Herzlyia, where he is also the undergraduate academic advisor of both, the International and Israeli programs in Government, Diplomacy, and strategy.

Dr. Fine holds a Ph.d. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has a wide background in History, Comparative Religion, Political Science, and International Relations. He is an expert on religious political violence, with special emphasis on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He also has deep interest in Middle Eastern and Israeli Studies, with special emphasis on US and EU policies in the region.

Dr. Fine is often invited as a visiting professor and lectures to government agencies, academic institutions, military and police in Israel and abroad. In recent years he had lectured in the US, Canada, the EU, Latin America, and Africa. Recently he was invited to China. He is also interviewed by local and foreign networks such as: BBC, SKY, CBN, ADR, Russia Today and Chinese TV. In Israel he is often interviewed by Channels 1,2,10,20, 23,and 9. From time to time he also writes to the press.
