Event: The G20 and Australia's role in international economic governance - The Hon. Wayne Swan MP
Distinguished Speaker Series

Event: The G20 and Australia's role in international economic governance - The Hon. Wayne Swan MP

Wed, 15 October 2014
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As chair of this year’s G20 Leaders’ Summit, Australia has the opportunity to influence the international economic agenda. Following its response to the global financial crisis, the G20 was seen as introducing a new era of international economic cooperation. But there is a widespread view that recent G20 summits have not been as effective as earlier summits. There are high expectations that Australia’s G20 presidency will help reenergise the forum. Australia has indicated that its goal is to strengthen the G20 by pursuing a more focused agenda and achieving tangible outcomes.

On 15 October, one month prior to the summit in Brisbane, we invite you to join us for an event with Wayne Swan where he will share his perspectives on the evolution of the G20 and Australia’s role in helping ensure that the G20 is strengthening international economic governance. Mr Swan was the Australian Treasurer during the global financial crisis and attended many G20 meetings between 2008 and 2013. He will provide first-hand insights into the workings of the forum.

The Hon. Wayne Swan MP was Treasurer of Australia from 3 December 2007 and Deputy Prime Minister from 24 June 2010 until 27 June 2013.

He has delivered six budgets, the most for a Labor Treasurer after Paul Keating and Ben Chifley.

Mr Swan has been the Member for the Brisbane suburban electorate of Lilley between 1993 and 1996 and from 1998 until the present, and has held senior economic roles in the Labor Party since 1998.

His focus as Treasurer was on strong and secure economic growth, job creation, and getting a fairer go for low and middle income earners in the tax and retirement income systems.

Mr Swan was committed to investing the dividends of the mining boom where they can make the greatest contribution to jobs, infrastructure, national savings and sustainable economic growth.

He helped formulate Australia's successful response to the global financial crisis, which kept workers in jobs and the economy out of a long and damaging recession.
