Event: Inside Putin's Russia
Lowy Lecture Series

Event: Inside Putin's Russia

Tue, 28 June 2016

In recent years Russia’s military adventures abroad have captured the most attention in the West. But as, if not more, important is what has been happening inside Putin’s Russia. Join Lowy Institute Deputy Director Anthony Bubalo for a conversation with two of Australia’s leading Russia watchers, Stephen Fortescue and Kyle Wilson, as they discuss Russia's domestic political and economic developments and prospects.

Stephen Fortescue is Honorary Associate Professor in Russian Politics at the University of New South Wales, and Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Studies, Australian National University.  His areas of research interest include the contemporary Russian policy-making process, business-state relations, and Russia's commercial involvement in the Asia Pacific.He received his PhD in Soviet Politics from the Australian National University 

Kyle Wilson is a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. From 2004-2013 he was Senior Analyst for Russia and Central Asia at the Office of National Assessments. From 1981-2004 he was an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and served in Australian missions in Warsaw, Moscow and Beijing. He was educated at the Australian National University, Moscow State University and Leningrad State University.
