Event: Islamic State Propaganda
Lowy Lecture Series

Event: Islamic State Propaganda

Tue, 23 February 2016

It is often acknowledged that Islamic State runs a sophisticated media operation, but there is less focus on the way that the movement uses the Western media to spread its ideas and messages. Join us for a conversation with Lauren Williams who will discuss her research on Islamic State’s use of the Western media and what can be done to counter it.

Lauren Williams is an Australian freelance journalist based in Beirut. She is the former Middle East Editor at The Daily Star, Lebanon and the former Managing Editor of Forward Syria. Before moving to the region she was a staff reporter at The Daily Telegraph, Sydney. Her freelance work has appeared in Al Jazeera, The Guardian, ABC, The Saturday Paper and The National, amongst others.


Areas of expertise: Australian policy in West Asia; West Asia-East Asia linkages; Egypt; Saudi Arabia; the Israeli-Palestinian dispute