Event - New Voices 2015: Is Geopolitics Returning to Asia?

Event - New Voices 2015: Is Geopolitics Returning to Asia?

Fri, 08 May 2015

Since 2004, the Lowy Institute’s New Voices conference has brought together some of Asia-Pacific’s most talented emerging leaders in academia, government, defence, business, journalism and the not-for-profit sector. The conference aims to provide a platform for early- and mid-career professionals to offer fresh insights on important issues in international affairs. By fostering debate between individuals from different professional and national backgrounds, New Voices encourages participants to seek a more nuanced and collaborative approach to understanding key problems in international policy.
The theme for New Voices 2015 will be "Is Geopolitics Returning to Asia?" Participants will be asked to examine the strategic, political, military, and geoeconomic shifts taking place in East Asia through the lens of three interconnected maritime territorial disputes. These will be discussed over three moderated panel sessions:
(1) Japan, China and East China Sea tensions;
(2) ASEAN, China and South China Sea tensions; and 
(3) US-China relations, regional order, and the Western Pacific

The final conference session will provide all New Voices participants with an opportunity to speak, interact with panellists and discuss central themes from the day’s proceedings.
To enable free discussion among all participants, New Voices will be held under the Chatham House rule of non-attribution.
