Event: Russia's Asian Rebalance?
Lowy Lecture Series

Event: Russia's Asian Rebalance?

Fri, 05 February 2016

Russia under President Vladimir Putin is reasserting its role in international politics everywhere from the Middle East to East Asia. Join us for a discussion on Moscow's global ambitions with our leading Russia expert, Dr Matthew Sussex, hosted by Lowy Institute Research Director Anthony Bubalo.

Dr Matthew Sussex is a Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. 

From 1 January 2016 he takes up the position of Director, Academic, Outreach and Research at the National Security College, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University. Previously he was Head of the Politics and International Relations program at the University of Tasmania. His research specialisations include international security, Russian politics and foreign policy, strategic studies and international relations theory. His most recent publications have been in the areas of energy security, power relations in the Asia Pacific, security in the former Soviet space, and Australian strategic policy. He has received grants from the Australian Research Council (Discovery Grants), the Fulbright Foundation and the International Studies Association, among others. He has been a National Executive member of the Australian Institute of International Affairs and associate editor of the Australian Journal of International Affairs.

Anthony Bubalo is the Research Director at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. He has produced research on a variety of Middle Eastern issues, including Middle East - Asia linkages,  Islamism, democratisation, terrorism and energy security. He comments on Middle Eastern politics for the Australian and international media outlets. He has written for The Australian, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, theFinancial Times, Ha'aretz and Asahi Shimbun newspapers as well as The American Interest and ForeignPolicy.com.  Before joining the Lowy Institute Anthony was an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He served in Australian diplomatic missions in Saudi Arabia and Israel and was Middle East Analyst with the Office of National Assessments from 1996 to 1998.


Areas of expertise: Australian policy in West Asia; West Asia-East Asia linkages; Egypt; Saudi Arabia; the Israeli-Palestinian dispute
Areas of expertise: Eastern Europe; Russian politics; The conflict in Ukraine; Australia-Russia relations