Event: Sidney Jones: Indonesian students in the Middle East
Lowy Lecture Series

Event: Sidney Jones: Indonesian students in the Middle East

Fri, 15 April 2016

Lowy Institute Deputy Director Anthony Bubalo will host Sidney Jones and Nava Nuraniyah from the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict in Jakarta to discuss a new Lowy Institute Report on Indonesian students in Egypt and Turkey. Based on extensive interviews, the report examines the impact on these students of regional events, from the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

Sidney Jones is the Director of the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict. From 2002 to 2013, Jones worked with the International Crisis Group, first as Southeast Asia project director, then from 2007 as senior adviser to the Asia program. Before joining Crisis Group, she worked for the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and New York (1977-84); Amnesty International in London as the Indonesia-Philippines-Pacific researcher (1985-88); and Human Rights Watch in New York as the Asia director (1989-2002).  She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. She lived in Shiraz, Iran for one year as a university student, 1971-72, and studied Arabic in Cairo and Tunisia.  She received an honorary doctorate in 2006 from the New School in New York.
