Gareth Evans and Michael Kirby on Australia and nuclear non-proliferation
Lowy Lecture Series

Gareth Evans and Michael Kirby on Australia and nuclear non-proliferation

Fri, 15 March 2019

The nuclear non-proliferation regime is under threat. Disarmament has stalled. Challenges from Moscow, Pyongyang, and Washington are mounting. Deteriorating trust between nuclear states threatens the emergence of a new arms race.

What does this mean for Australia? What role should we play in the global effort against nuclear proliferation? Should we sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty? And how does our nuclear stance affect our alliance with the United States?
Join former foreign minister the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC and former chairman of the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG for a discussion on Australia’s nuclear weapons policy.
The event will be introduced by Lowy Institute Executive Director Dr Michael Fullilove and moderated by Research Director Alex Oliver.
