Launch of the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index: An Assessment Of Power In The Indo-Pacific

Launch of the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index: An Assessment Of Power In The Indo-Pacific

Thu, 29 November 2018

The Perth USAsia Centre and the Lowy Institute have the pleasure of inviting you to the Perth launch of the Lowy Institute’s distinguished Asia Power Index. Launching the Asia Power Index will be the Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia, Dr Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute, Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Asian Power and Policy Program at the Lowy Institute and Professor Rikki Kersten, Dean of the School of Arts, Murdoch University. Moderating the discussion will be Professor Stephen Smith, Director at the Perth USAsia Centre and former Defence and Foreign Minister.

The Asia Power Index, launched in 2018, represents the largest comparative assessment of power in the region ever undertaken. The project assesses 25 countries and territories in terms of their military capability and defence networks, economic resources and relationships, diplomatic and cultural influence, and resilience and future trends. The digital platform for the Index serves an analytical tool for sharpening debate on the regional balance of power. Users can plot the distribution of resources and influence in Asia on an interactive map, compare variations in performance within and between countries, adjust the principal weightings of the Index, and drill down into hundreds of unique data points and findings. Annual editions of the Index will track how the distribution of power in the region shifts over time.

This public event provides an opportunity to explore the key findings in the Asia Power Index and the recent shifts in Indo-Pacific wealth and power.
