Lowy Institute in Melbourne: Understanding and Responding to China's Rise - Dr Kurt Campbell

Lowy Institute in Melbourne: Understanding and Responding to China's Rise - Dr Kurt Campbell

Wed, 27 November 2013
On Wednesday the 27th of November, we invite you to join us for a lecture by Dr Kurt Campbell, the Lowy Institute's inaugural Distinguished International Fellow. Dr Campbell is the former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Obama Administration. He will be speaking on responses to the rise of China. China's ascent to great power status is the defining feature of contemporary global politics. While the world grapples with tumult and change across the Middle East - it is China's rise that carries with it the most profound international implications. Every feature of modern life from financial stability to energy security to climate change will increasingly be linked to China's fate. Dr Campbell was a key architect of the Obama administration's 'rebalance to Asia'. He is currently Chairman and CEO of The Asia Group, a strategic advisory and investment group specialising in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2007, Dr Campbell co-founded Washington think tank, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and remains Co-Chair of its Board of Directors. He is currently writing a book entitled The Pivot, about his experiences working on Asia-Pacific policy in the Obama administration. The Distinguished International Fellowship is sponsored by QANTAS.