Lowy Lecture Series: Australian foreign policy in historical context: Australia in War and Peace, 1914-19 - Jatinder Mann

Lowy Lecture Series: Australian foreign policy in historical context: Australia in War and Peace, 1914-19 - Jatinder Mann

Thu, 22 November 2012

Today we take for granted the fact that Australia has a foreign policy and a foreign policy infrastructure across the world to support that policy. This was not the case during the First World War. Through ‘Australia in War and Peace, 1914-19’, a major collaborative research project between the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies (MCAS) at King’s College London and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in Canberra, co-author Dr Jatinder Mann will illustrate that despite the lack of recognisable instruments and institutions there was indeed an Australian foreign policy at the time: Australian foreign policy operated in an imperial context. Dr Mann will outline the main features of the new research project, explore its major themes and share some of the fruits of research so far, to be ultimately published as a volume of Documents on Australian Foreign Policy on War and Peace, 1914-19.

Jatinder Mann is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King's College London. He specialises in transnational and comparative history and politics. Jatinder has published articles in Nations and Nationalism and Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. He was awarded his doctorate in history at The University of Sydney in 2011 for his thesis entitled, 'The search for a new national identity: A comparative study of the rise of multiculturalism in Canada and Australia, 1890s-1970s'. Jatinder was also a recipient of the prestigious Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) by the Australian government and an International Postgraduate Award (IPA) by The University of Sydney for his doctoral research. Previously he completed an MA in Australian studies at King's College London; and a BA in history at University College London, with First Class Honours.
