Lowy Lecture Series: PNG: After the elections - Dame Carol Kidu

Lowy Lecture Series: PNG: After the elections - Dame Carol Kidu

Wed, 20 June 2012
PNG’s voters go to the polls in June to elect a new national government. It is hoped that these elections will bring to a close a particularly tense and volatile chapter in PNG’s history. Since becoming Prime Minister in August 2011, Peter O’Neill has had a tenuous hold on government. The opposing political forces led by former Prime Minister Michael Somare have used court challenges and other means in their attempt to oust the O’Neill government. The cost to PNG’s reputation has been high. On the eve of the elections, the Lowy Institute will dedicate one of its final Wednesday Lowy Lunches to look at PNG beyond the formation of a new government. Dame Carol Kidu, a former minister in the Somare Government, won’t be running in this year’s elections after 15 years in Parliament. Dame Carol’s contribution to PNG’s social development has been extensive. With her deep knowledge of PNG, she will look at the challenges confronting a new government and what policy issues it needs to deal with as a matter of priority.


Areas of expertise: Papua New Guinea, women in politics, community development