Lowy Lecture Series: A precarious world in need of an effective G20 - Sharan Burrow

Lowy Lecture Series: A precarious world in need of an effective G20 - Sharan Burrow

Thu, 01 August 2013

The global economy is no more secure today than it was 5 years ago.

The number of people unemployed is climbing to 210 million. Some countries face up 60% youth unemployment and the denial of the dignity of work for a whole generation. This is an economic and social time bomb.

The ITUC Global Poll 2013 conducted in 13 countries found that people feel abandoned by their governments. Sharan will exclusively announce key findings from the 2013 global poll in her speech at the Lowy Institute.

Unless governments act in the interests of people and deliver on plans to create jobs and reduce inequality, social unrest will continue to grow.

Sharan Burrow is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation

Sharan Burrow was elected general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation in 2010. Representing the worlds working people, the ITUC has 315 affiliated trade unions in 156 countries. The International Trade Union Confederation co-ordinates the Labour 20, a social partner of the G20. Previously, she had been president Australian Council of Trade Unions.
