Lowy Lecture Series: The revenge of geography - Robert Kaplan

Lowy Lecture Series: The revenge of geography - Robert Kaplan

Wed, 07 November 2012

We all need to recover a sensibility about time and space that has been lost in the jet and information ages, when elite molders of public opinion dash across oceans and continents in hours, something which allows them to talk glibly about the global forces of integration. It is necessary to slow down the pace of travel and observation in order to recover a sense of what divides us. Power politics still reigns. The following is a tour of the world's conflict zones according to geography - still the principal determinant of human affairs.

Robert D. Kaplan is Chief Geopolitical Analyst for Stratfor, a private global intelligence firm, and a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security in Washington. He has been a foreign correspondent for The Atlantic for over a quarter century. He is the author of 14 books on foreign affairs and travel translated into many languages.
