Our Time Has Come: How India is Making Its Place in the World
Lowy Lecture Series

Our Time Has Come: How India is Making Its Place in the World

Thu, 01 March 2018

Join Alyssa Ayres, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Aaron Connelly, Research Fellow for the East Asia Program at the Lowy Institute, to discuss Alyssa’s latest book, Our Time Has Come: How India Is Making Its Place in the World. Dr Ayres will discuss how a fiercely independent India pursues its place as a leading power, and how the United States should respond.
At CFR, Alyssa Ayres’s work focuses on India’s role in the world and on US relations with South Asia. In 2015 she served as project director for the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on US–India Relations, and from 2014 to 2016 as project director for an initiative on the new geopolitics of China, India, and Pakistan. She directs the US Relations with South Asia Roundtable series, blogs regularly for Asia Unbound, and is a contributor to Forbes.com. Her book Our Time Has Come: How India is Making Its Place in the World was published by Oxford University Press in January 2018.
Alyssa Ayres served previously as deputy assistant secretary of state for South Asia, from 2010 to 2013, covering all issues across a dynamic region of 1.3 billion people (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) and providing policy direction for four US embassies and four consulates. Originally trained as a cultural historian, Dr Ayres has experience in the non-profit, government, and private sectors, and she has carried out research on both India and Pakistan.
