Panel event: 2014 Lowy Institute Poll - Melbourne

Panel event: 2014 Lowy Institute Poll - Melbourne

Wed, 11 June 2014
Docklands, Melbourne

2014 marks the tenth year of the Lowy Institute Poll on Australia and the world. In the decade since our first Poll was published in 2005, the annual Lowy Institute Poll has challenged preconceived notions about Australians’ views on issues such as our relationship with the United States, our attitudes to China, and our understanding of Indonesia. It has provoked vigorous debate on topical issues such as asylum seekers and climate change, and has shaken Australians’ complacency about their democratic system of government.

The Lowy Institute Poll aims to broaden and deepen the debate about Australia’s foreign policy and its place in the world.

We invite you to join us for a panel event on 11 June, to find out what Australians really think about key foreign policy issues. Panellists include:

Amanda Vanstone, former Australian Senator

Rowan Callick, Asia Pacific Editor, The Australian

Daniel Flitton, Senior correspondent, The Age

Alex Oliver, Poll Director, Lowy Institute

At this event, the panel will review the 2014 Lowy Institute Poll, and lead what we hope will be a lively discussion on our Poll results this year.


Areas of expertise: Public opinion polling; Australian and international diplomacy, public diplomacy and consular affairs