Pivoting the Map: Australia's Indo-Pacific System

Pivoting the Map: Australia's Indo-Pacific System

On 21 November the Lowy Institute's Rory Medcalf will launch a major new Canberra lecture series with a fresh take on Australia's Indo-Pacific strategic framework.
Wed, 21 November 2012

On November 21, The Lowy Institute's Rory Medcalf will give a major public lecture to launch the new Centre of Gravity Series, the flagship policy papers of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre of the Australian National University, Canberra. In recent years, the Asia-Pacific definition of Australia’s wider region has begun giving ground to an Indo-Pacific concept, which spans the Indian and Pacific oceans in a single maritime strategic system. But the Indo-Pacific idea remains controversial, with some observers equating it with a strategy to curb China’s role and status. This lecture will examine the debate about the Indo-Pacific, outlining why the concept properly defines Australia’s strategic and economic environment, why it can be inclusive towards China, and what it means for the strategic policy choices of Australia and other powers.

This is an external, non-Lowy Institute event, being hosted by SDSC at the ANU campus in Canberra. To attend, please register at this link http://sdsc-coglaunch.eventbrite.com/


Areas of expertise: Indo-Pacific strategy; Australian security and foreign policy; Australia’s key security relationships including the Quad; strategic impacts of the rise of China and India; maritime security; nuclear issues