Washington’s China realignment: In-conversation with Laura Rosenberger
Lowy Lecture Series

Washington’s China realignment: In-conversation with Laura Rosenberger

Wed, 03 April 2019

The relationship between Washington and Beijing is increasingly competitive. The economic interdependence that once underwrote the relationship now undermines it. The two militaries are testing the other’s resolve in the Pacific Ocean. A new “space race” in technology – 5G, artificial intelligence, and fintech – is fuelling mistrust. Why has Washington’s view of Beijing darkened? Is the US developing a coherent strategy on China? How is Beijing responding?
Join Lowy Institute Senior Fellow Richard McGregor and Laura Rosenberger for a discussion on the state of relations between the two global superpowers.
Laura Rosenberger is Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and a Senior Fellow at The German Marshall Fund. She has previously served in a variety of positions at the State Department including managing US–China relations, addressing North Korea’s nuclear program and serving as an adviser to senior US diplomats Bill Burns and Tony Blinken. She also worked as National Security Council director for China and Korea and foreign policy adviser for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Ms Rosenberger is a Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor at the Australian National University’s National Security College. The Lowy Institute thanks the NSC for facilitating her visit.
