
China puts the squeeze on Myanmar’s Tatmadaw
China puts the squeeze on Myanmar’s Tatmadaw
The extent to which China seeks to actively export authoritarianism has long divided commentators.There are indeed genuine examples of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)…
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
“BIMSTEC” is one of the many technical and not-quite-pronounceable acronyms that pepper conversation about diplomatic affairs. It stands for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi…
How Myanmar’s Central Bank Facilitates the Junta’s Oppression
Journal Articles
How Myanmar’s Central Bank Facilitates the Junta’s Oppression
This Analysis was originally published by the United States Institute of Peace on 11 July 2024.
India’s “Act East” ambition must navigate Myanmar
India’s “Act East” ambition must navigate Myanmar
The reappointment of Subramanyam Jaishankar as the External Affairs Minister of India in Narendra Modi’s third term as Prime Minister was widely expected. However, the…
Regime collapse in Myanmar’s Rakhine
Regime collapse in Myanmar’s Rakhine
Myanmar’s raging civil conflict marked another precedent in recent weeks, with the revolutionary forces seizing the country’s premier beach resort and its neighbouring airport…
Myanmar’s war within a war: Informers and the trust deficit
Myanmar’s war within a war: Informers and the trust deficit
We hear a lot these days about the “trust deficit” and “the loss of social capital”. Thanks to a succession of royal commissions, parliamentary inquiries, media investigations and…
Myanmar: If sanctions aren’t the solution, what is?
Myanmar: If sanctions aren’t the solution, what is?
The decision by Australia in February last year to impose sanctions on 16 members of Myanmar’s ruling junta, as well as two military holding companies, received rare praise from a…
Thaksin Shinawatra’s Myanmar talks likely driven by politics and money
Thaksin Shinawatra’s Myanmar talks likely driven by politics and money
Former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has presented himself as a possible mediator of Myanmar’s civil war. But Thaksin is likely motivated by his own political and…
Outrage is not a policy: Coming to terms with Myanmar’s fragmented state
Outrage is not a policy: Coming to terms with Myanmar’s fragmented state
To remain relevant to Myanmar’s future development, the West should support parallel state-building in liberated areas.
Myanmar: Julie Bishop an inspired choice as UN Special Envoy
Myanmar: Julie Bishop an inspired choice as UN Special Envoy
The appointment by UN Secretary-General António Guterres of former Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop as his new special envoy to Myanmar raises a number of questions: is…