
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan appears to be using the Quad to pursue its ambitions to promote domestic 5G network players.5G, or “advanced telecommunications” and “critical and emerging technology” in…
Has India defanged the Quad?
Has India defanged the Quad?
Just as India was marginalised from regional economic integration sweeping Asia after the end of the Cold War – with its exclusion from APEC (established in 1989), the ASEAN+3 …
The “Squad” is a welcome spin-off, but the Quad is the main game
The “Squad” is a welcome spin-off, but the Quad is the main game
In light of the successful first-ever US-Japan-Philippines trilateral summit and joint maritime patrols in the South China Sea involving the United States, Japan, Australia, and…
“Squad” goals: Consolidating the new quadrilateral partnership
“Squad” goals: Consolidating the new quadrilateral partnership
A few days ago, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin hosted his counterparts from three allied nations – Japan, Australia and, crucially, the Philippines – in Hawaii, also home to…
The rise and endurance of minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific
The rise and endurance of minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific
Minilateralism has enjoyed a golden age with the advent of the Indo-Pacific. The evolution of the Quad as well as the establishment of AUKUS and other trilateral groupings over…
What binds the Quad
What binds the Quad
Last month, the US House of Representatives passed Strengthening the Quad Act with an overwhelming majority, indicating the critical role the Quad will play in American efforts to…
A practical way for Australia to help in the western Indian Ocean
A practical way for Australia to help in the western Indian Ocean
Australia’s view of the Indo-Pacific generally stops at Sri Lanka and the southern tip of India. But this regional conceptualisation leaves out the western region of the Indian…
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
In Myanmar’s westernmost state of Rakhine, the small fishing village of Kyaukphyu has become the focus of a US$7.3 billion deep-water port development by Chinese state-owned…
Don’t conflate the Quad and Malabar
Don’t conflate the Quad and Malabar
Exercise Malabar is underway again, and for the first time being conducted off the coast of Australia. This year, the Indo-Pacific military drills will include the navies of…
Something fishy about China’s anger over the Quad’s open ocean plans
Something fishy about China’s anger over the Quad’s open ocean plans
Some international issues should be non-sensitive and uncontroversial. One of these is the regulation of fishing fleets to prevent overfishing and ensure the sustainable use of…