Lowy Institute Event: Burma’s Transition: Progress and Prospects

After decades of authoritarian rule, Burma has won international plaudits for moves to open its political system and economy since 2011 under President Thein Sein. What are the prospects for political and economic reforms to continue in Burma, and what factors will shape the country's trajectory? What are the implications of communal unrest and internal wars within Burma, and the prospects for their resolution? How will changes within Burma affect its relations with neighbours India and China and with the broader region, Australia included?

Media are warmly invited to attend a special panel discussion of political change and economic reform in Burma.  Lowy Institute's Executive Director Dr Michael Fullilove, who visited Burma in January, will chair the panel, featuring long time Burma watchers Dr Andrew Selth (Griffith Asia Institute) and Associate Professor Sean Turnell (Macquarie University). See biographies below.


Wednesday 8 May 2013
12:45pm -1:45pm
Lowy Institute for International Policy
31 Bligh St Sydney New South Wales 2000

Please RSVP to Stephanie Dunstan – Strategic Communications Manager – sdunstan@lowyinstitute.org


Areas of expertise: Australian foreign policy; US politics and foreign policy; Asia and the Pacific; Global institutions