Book launch: The Echidna Strategy: Australia’s Search for Power and Peace

Book launch: The Echidna Strategy: Australia’s Search for Power and Peace

In the wake of a shift in the global power balance, how can Australia best protect itself? 

The Echidna Strategy overturns the conventional wisdom about Australia’s security. Australia will need to defend itself without American help, but this doesn’t need to cost more. The Echidna Strategy sheds new light on the contest for leadership in Asia and the strategy Australia needs to thrive.

A conversation with the author, Sam Roggeveen, moderated by Lowy Institute Research Director Hervé Lemahieu, with questions from the audience.

Sam Roggeveen is the Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program. He was the founding editor of The Interpreter and is the editor of the Lowy Institute Papers. Before joining the Lowy Institute, Sam was a senior analyst in Australia’s peak intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments.

Areas of expertise: Australian foreign and defence policy, China’s military forces, US defence and foreign policy, drones and other military technology. Also, trends in global democracy.