Prime Minister James Marape on a new chapter for Papua New Guinea

Prime Minister James Marape on a new chapter for Papua New Guinea

On 30 May 2019, James Marape was sworn in as the eighth Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. Securing the votes of almost 90 per cent of PNG’s Parliament, Mr Marape has a broad mandate for change following eight years of a Peter O’Neill-led government.

The challenges facing the Marape government remain the same. The economy is struggling, and expectations are high for curbing corruption and improving service delivery. With 16 months until a vote of no confidence motion can resume, and three years until a new election, Mr Marape has limited time to deliver on the expectations of his people.

On 26 July Prime Minister Marape gave an address at the Lowy Institute on his vision for the new PNG government, and where the PNG–Australia relationship fits within it.

James Marape has served as a Member of Parliament representing the electorate of Tari-Pori Open in Hela Province since 2007. He served as Education Minister from 2008 to 2011 and Finance Minister from 2012 to 2019.
