Adam H. Dehsabzi


Adam H. Dehsabzi is a Graduate Research Candidate at the University of Chicago’s Committee for International Relations. His research primarily focuses on self-determination, state formation, borderlands, and nationalism in the Middle East, and the region's relationship with the West. Previously, Adam had a seven-year career in urban development. He holds an undergraduate degree from the UTS School of Architecture and a Master’s in IR from Macquarie University.

Is a stable Afghanistan where China, Russia and the US cooperate?
Is a stable Afghanistan where China, Russia and the US cooperate?
Three of the world’s most influential powers have skin in the game when it comes to preventing another civil war.
Is the tide turning on classroom bans for Afghan girls?
Is the tide turning on classroom bans for Afghan girls?
In Afghanistan, there is increasing dissatisfaction with the suspension of female higher education, even within the Taliban.