Claire Yorke


Dr Claire Yorke is a British author and academic. She is a Senior Lecturer with Deakin University at the Australian War College in Canberra, where she leads courses on international and defence diplomacy, and strategic empathy and the Asia-Pacific. Her current research explores the role and limitations of empathy and emotions in strategy, security, politics, and diplomacy, and she is writing two books on these themes.

Before moving to Australia, she was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Southern Denmark, and a Henry A. Kissinger Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University, having completed her PhD in International Relations in 2018 at King’s College London. She began her career as a Researcher in the British Parliament and then as the Program Manager for the International Security Research Department at Chatham House.  

The broad Asia‑Pacific ambition for Britain under Labour
The broad Asia‑Pacific ambition for Britain under Labour
From AUKUS to climate change, the challenge now is to translate enthusiasm and energy into momentum. 