Evan Freidin


Evan Freidin is an international relations analyst whose work has been published by the Interpreter, Foreign Brief, The Diplomat, and ANU's Near East Policy Forum. His writings focus on changing trends within China and the broader Asia-Pacific region. He has received a Masters of International Relations from the University of Melbourne.

India’s plan for a world without cash
India’s plan for a world without cash
Every day, almost half the globe’s digital transactions take place in India. The country is primed to own the domain.
The Fix: Nationalist theatre, with a twist
The Fix: Nationalist theatre, with a twist
An action film where the climax features a gritty anti-hero urging the importance of an informed vote? Watch and learn.
China’s answer to Top Gun is a flat spin
China’s answer to Top Gun is a flat spin
Hardly the touted blockbuster, Born To Fly is more dreary vanity flight than rousing nationalist paean.
Nationalist propaganda at a screen near you
Nationalist propaganda at a screen near you
Recent cinematic offerings from the United States, China and India are straight out of the central casting handbook.
Saudi Arabia and China: a blossoming friendship
Saudi Arabia and China: a blossoming friendship
Relations are cosy for now. But is Saudi Arabia hedging its bets between Beijing and Washington?
China’s new reality
China’s new reality
Forget geopolitics and military muscle flexing. Reality TV is where Beijing and Taipei can put aside their differences.
China’s digital currency takes shape
China’s digital currency takes shape
A new central bank system to control the flow and exchange of money dovetails into Beijing’s big tech crackdown.