Jeffrey Robertson

Jeffrey Robertson

Jeffrey Robertson is a Visiting Fellow at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, and an Associate Professor at Yonsei University in South Korea, where he focuses on diplomatic practice and the Korean Peninsula. His updates his research at

South Korea’s nuclear ambition holds a place in the national consciousness
South Korea’s nuclear ambition holds a place in the national consciousness
It might seem illogical to the rest of the world, but a sense of vulnerability has a pervasive pull on policy.
Koreas policy: Sorting fact with fiction
Koreas policy: Sorting fact with fiction
You can’t understand a country without knowing the stories people like to invent.
Is South Korea’s Indo‑Pacific Strategy a diplomatic lame duck?
Is South Korea’s Indo‑Pacific Strategy a diplomatic lame duck?
After President Yoon’s election defeat, a change in foreign policy is unlikely, but momentum will vanish.
Kazakhstan in the middle
Kazakhstan in the middle
The West hopes for a stable partner to deny Russia. Yet the Central Asian nation may seek equidistance from all.
Australia’s “China” blinders on South Korea
Australia’s “China” blinders on South Korea
By focusing on the elephant, Australia risks misunderstanding the room.
Time for South Korea to abandon the “middle power” moniker
Time for South Korea to abandon the “middle power” moniker
In the end, it’s not a term that helps people to understand policy and policy choices.
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
It’s time to think beyond the videoconference to allow countries to trust again.
Is North Korea expertise all talk?
Is North Korea expertise all talk?
The debate around understanding one of the world’s most reclusive nations centres on the question of language.
When a middle power is not caught in the middle
When a middle power is not caught in the middle
Different understandings of the world where a middle power sits has led South Korea down a different path to Australia.