Kate O’Shaughnessy


Dr Kate O’Shaughnessy is Research Director at the Perth USAsia Centre, and a former Australian diplomat (2007-2022), serving in Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Lebanon and France. From 2020-22, she was Australia’s High Commissioner to Mauritius and Seychelles, and Ambassador to Madagascar and Comoros. She holds a PhD in Indonesian history from the University of Western Australia. Her work on gender in Indonesia during the Suharto era – Gender, State and Social Power in Contemporary Indonesia – was published by Routledge as part of its Women in Asia Series. Connect on LinkedIn.

The UK deal on Diego Garcia is positive, but it won’t reverse declining support for the rules-based order
The UK deal on Diego Garcia is positive, but it won’t reverse declining support for the rules-based order
China and Russia might argue this is just another example of Western countries gaming the system to suit themselves.
Australia needs to boost its engagement with Africa, but not for the reasons advocates say we should
Australia needs to boost its engagement with Africa, but not for the reasons advocates say we should
Africa’s demographic story won’t necessarily translate to economic opportunities for Australia. But the geopolitical tale matters more.