Miranda Forsyth


Miranda Forsyth is a Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) in the College of Asia and Pacific at ANU. Miranda’s scholarship focuses on how people’s diverse justice needs can best be met, drawing upon multiple legal and normative orders. Her geographical focus has been primarily in the Pacific Islands region, particularly Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. She holds an ARC Future Fellowship on Overcoming Violence and Building Peace in Conditions of Complexity in Papua New Guinea.  She is the co-convenor of the Pacific Criminology Collective and co-editor of the Special Issue on Pacific Criminology in the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy currently in publication.

Long-range leaders in Melanesia: Why you need to know about them
Long-range leaders in Melanesia: Why you need to know about them
Carefully mixing metaphors helps to understand a crucial yet underappreciated actor in Pacific politics.